Grilled fruit salad is a great snack for cold days, it is bright and colorful but still makes your tummy warm! The fruit may stick to the grill at first,...
Oranges, pineapple, cottage cheese and whipped topping combine for a fully refreshing slightly sweet salad. My mom always makes this recipe and the reason...
I've experimented with these a lot and have finally found a combination that comes out as stiff as gelatin desserts but are completely vegan. Works well...
This delicious gelatin salad is great for Christmas because of it's green color but so refreshing to eat on a hot summer evening. Just a little cucumber...
Perfect salad for a summer picnic! This is a light dessert which all will enjoy. I recommend making this the day it will be served, as it sometimes gets...
A hit with kids and those young at heart. My childhood neighbor made it our block party and now, even though I have moved far away, I still make it with...
I hand-carved the shark from a pear, but a fish-shaped cookie cutter would work as well on a slice of pear or apple. The green gelatin helps hide some...
Refreshingly satisfying! Fresh lemon, mango, and kiwi are fused with fluffy cool cream cheese, all sitting atop a yummy salty sweet pretzel,...
This heavenly fruit salad tossed with homemade whipped cream came about when bananas, mangoes, and blueberries were on sale for Mother's Day, and I was...
This is a really good dessert. The combo of sweet, crunchy, and slightly salty is super good. It is very popular here in the Mississippi Valley. Plan ahead,...
This was my grandmother Freda's 'famous' cherry salad. It was a huge hit at family gatherings. My mom mixes the lemon Jello, lemon juice, cream cheese...
This was always a favorite when we went to my Grandma's house, it is easy and kids love it! We like lots of bananas in ours, so you may want to adjust...
This is an old family favorite recipe prepared every Christmas, and I wanna tell ya it's GREAT! It is from the kitchen of my mother, Charlene Betty Stephenson....
You can use any tea and any fruit zest, lemon would taste great. You can use banana instead of orange or whatever fruit you like or none at all for a smoother...
A very quick and easy dessert salad that tastes just like cheesecake. The salad can also be placed in a graham cracker pie crust for no-bake version of...
The combination of a sweet, fruity gelatin layer and a pecan-crusted cheesecake-like layer makes for an unforgettable molded salad. You can use black cherry...